Help write postcards to vulnerable voters

Join a group that writes postcards to voters who may have been removed from their state voting rolls without their knowledge. The group advises them to check with their state Voter Registrar to verify their status and provides them with the Registrar’s website and phone number. These are mostly minority voters, in swing states and districts. The voter information is received from “Flip The West” and “Reclaim Our Vote”.

In order to join the postcard campaign, email Judith Bolker – judithbolker [at] comcast [dot] net, and request the number of voters you wish to start with. She will send you the voters’ names and addresses, a script, instructions and in some cases a template that you can print and paste to the postcard. In addition, Judith will also advise you where you can purchase the postcards and scripts.

Typically, you can order 50 names at a time and write 5 cards a day

Besides door to door canvassing, postcard writing is one of the most effective ways to communicate with voters.

If there are any questions feel free to reach out to sangha member Lloyd Rath: lloyd.elollo [at] gmail [dot] com


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